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Statistical Mechanics of Phase Transitions epub

Statistical Mechanics of Phase Transitions by J. M. Yeomans

Statistical Mechanics of Phase Transitions

Statistical Mechanics of Phase Transitions epub

Statistical Mechanics of Phase Transitions J. M. Yeomans ebook
Format: djvu
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
ISBN: 0198517300, 9780198517306
Page: 161

Classical phase transitions have thermal fluctuations as the main driving force for the transition. Applied probability theory, mathematical statistical mechanics. Yeomans, “Statistical Mechanics of Phase Transitions” Oxford University Press, USA (June 11, 1992) | ISBN: 0198517300 | 168 pages | Djvu | 2,2 Mb. Daan Frenkel and Rob Eppenga "Monte Carlo Study of the Isotropic-Nematic Transition in a Fluid of Thin Hard Disks", Physical Review Letters 49 pp. Duncan, Matthew Dennison, Andrew J. PH 682 - Advanced Statistical Methods and Phase Transitions. PH 678 - Lasers and Applications. Frenkel "Monte Carlo study of the isotropic and nematic phases of infinitely thin hard platelets", Molecular Physics 52 pp. Interacting particle systems, nonequilibrium phase transitions, hydrodynamic limits. PH 680 - Nanoscience and Technology and Applications. In statistical mechanics phase transitions are associated with singularities in the free energy.

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