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Eclipse Rich Client Platform (2nd Edition) book

Eclipse Rich Client Platform (2nd Edition) by Jeff McAffer, Jean-Michel Lemieux, Chris Aniszczyk

Eclipse Rich Client Platform (2nd Edition)

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Eclipse Rich Client Platform (2nd Edition) Jeff McAffer, Jean-Michel Lemieux, Chris Aniszczyk ebook
ISBN: 0321603788, 9780321603784
Format: pdf
Page: 553

This is the eBook version of the printed book. Eclipse Rich Client Platform will teach you how to create professional and redistributable RCP applications. Since the release of eclipse 3 the documentation there have been major modifications in the way eclipse works (or so I have read) and made RCP integration easier. Download Practical Eclipse Rich Client Platform Projects It provides a lightweight software component framework based on plug–ins. Eclipse 4 has introduced new frameworks, APIs and tools to develop Rich Client Platform (RCP) Applications. Pro NetBeans IDE 6 Rich Client Platform Edition, the second book in his Pro NetBeans series is due out February 25様ess than a year after the publication of the inaugural "Pro NetBeans IDE 5.5 Enterprise Edition". Eclipse Rich Client Platform, 2nd Edition Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional | 2010 | PDF | 552 pages | ISBN: 0321603788 | 5.1MbIn Eclipse Rich Client Platform, Second Edition, three E. There are several books out there about RCP. With the support provided by the Eclipse Rich Client Platform (RCP) and the embedded version of the same (eRCP) the idea is certainly not as strange as it first sounds. Part I and II look like a tutorial, but the rest of the book goes far beyond. So we'll explains why Eclipse is a solid desktop, rich-client, or embedded application . Today I received my copy of the Eclipse Rich Client Platform, 2nd (McAffer, Lemieux, Aniszczyk). I strongly recommend the book: Eclipse Rich Client Platform : Designing, Coding, and Packaging Java(TM) Applications. If you are interested in RCP development, this is the book to own. Eclipse Rich Client Platform,{isbn}.Free download ebooks more than 400000 titles categorized in format of pdf, chm, html. Myatt, a systems analyst for General Electric Global Research and a former Eclipse user, began writing Pro NetBeans 6.0 to coincide with the late Fall 2007 release of the retooled NetBeans IDE. Practical Eclipse Rich Client Platform Projects book download. Practical Eclipse Rich Client Platform Projects is the first practical projects type book on Eclipse RCP, and the only one current with latest Eclipse spec. Eclipse-RCP development on your own?